Yes WE, the bloggers spend unbelievable hours to glorify all our deeds and bring about a holier than thou image when we are only monsters in the making.
And yes, it is also WE, the same set who is blessed with prodigies (and not to forget the ones in the making) who can express their inner beauty with an ease that is as natural as the flow of a river. These are the ones who reflect their revolutionary ideas with electricity that jolts the dormant cells in your brain, who express honest concerns in the nudest of their forms that shames you for ignorance, and who share their child-like innocent thoughts with a beauty that wrenches your heart and pleases your soul.
So, ladies and gentlemen, all this effort and talk is not in vain.
DJ tagged me with the Thinking Blogger Award.
He sure is Kind! And I know you agree:-)
And hell, I am pleased and I feel honored but I am also wondering… Do I ever think? ummm… at all?
I’ll be honest. Oh! I like being honest, you know.
Nothing, absolutely nothing hits my head. It’s blank! Thoughts don’t come easy and yes, I need the jolts that would pain me enough to wipe off the fungus and let me grow.
As luck would have it, I do get blessed occasionally with people who sprinkle their magic and charm on me and I feel renewed. And I want to thank these magicians who touch souls with their gestures, their thoughts and their being.
- M! (You top the list and I hope you know that already.And yep, you are the best Queen of the Universe:D:-)
- Josh (Let me know when you are in Delhi)
- Priya (You know, you do stir up the soul!)
- Jyotsana (Your warmth radiates even in your posts)
- Ah! yes, Ashwini
Thanks! I read you and I grow:-)
The Thinking Blogger Award rules: This award was started here. You have to award five others whose blog you think deserve this award. Please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
The participation rules: