Thursday, October 20, 2005

A few Random and Volatile Thoughts

I have been spending a lot of time off late,
wondering why people around me are sometimes so willing
to make others happy,
make them feel loved........

Why do they want others to feel positive, more driven, feel alive and so on......
Is it for themselevs or is it really the others????
What should one do when you are on the recieving end.
Accept it gladly and walk off??? Can you be that selfish???
Or simply reciprocate??? Reciprocate to what???
The goodness!!! Yep, the goodness, I guess.

But you cant just keep reciprocating all the damn time....can you???
You got more gut than that. You can be equally giving.....
So should you walk a few steps further.....
But, where??? With whom???
You dont even know if they want to walk along.

Ive been getting so many random and volatile thoughts all the damn time.........
Perhaps its not worth it.....Or maybe it is!!!

Its like you meet a new person, and he gives you a whole new perspective....
and then you are all so awed by it.
You move on, and you meet another new person,
and there he is with all his interpretations which are almost good enough
to make you have yet another new perspective and trash the old one........

Damn, what do you hold on to!!!
What do you believe???
Is the entire world a bunch of liars.......
Are they all metculously planning each move to make you fall into their trap.....
Is your victim really worth such time and effort......

Am I hallucinating or are they???

Times up....I got to go.

You have a Beau day :-)


Deliciously Alive said...

Confusing thoughts Shelly:-((((( very confusing thoughts :-(((((((((

Pranav said...

Why try to mull so much over other people's actions??

Walk on..the people who walk with you will be the ones that matter..others will fall by the wayside...and trashing a (what you think is a )redundant perspective so difficult?

If reciprocating is such an effort...dont...unless really asked to..and unless you really feel like...and yeah...being compulsively good to everyone is sometimes just not worth all your time and effort

Anonymous said...

Dont know your personality to comment about whats appropriate. All I know is this indecisiveness in life about discerning right to wrong is what makes life interesting. Routine is boring and makes life stale. And its refreshing to revisit principles either to discard them or bolster them at every given change!

Just plodded by from god knows where.. landed up on your blog! Be good!

Jyotsna said...

you dont have to give it back to the person you receive the goodness/energy from...You will automatically give it to or pass it on to someone else..and it then becomes a full circle !!
:)And we learn from each person we meet...

Anonymous said...

why're u off ryze?:S


freakgoddess said...

Just pay it forward.. it'll happen naturally.. u don have to think about it..

keep enjoying the moment.