Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Morphing thru time.....

No updates, random or otherwise.....
Nothing to cheer about,
No reason to celebrate
Nor the will to put you down.

No questions,
No doubts.
No why did you,
followed by your lies.

No memories…..
No tears, no smiles.
I am simply.....
morphing through time!!!


lemontree said...

the stillness is very well captured within the movement. and glad you are writing again!

Iris said...

I like your comment:-)

Anonymous said...

I love these words, thank you for writing them. I will certainly visit more often!

Maybe you would like to visit my weblog sometimes, which can be found at Lots of thoughts - but also some photography, art and poetry.

Priyank Gupta said...

Nice! :D

Iris said...

Thanks Renee and @tom:-))))))
i like this one all the more, with each passing day:-)

Zorba said...

i LOVE this one!!!!!!!!!!!


No why did you,
followed by your lies...


Iris said...

Thanks Zorba:-)