Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Keep smiling, keep shining...

Dear Sandy,

Thanks for writing this lil poem to pep me up.
sure are a poet, my friend:-)))) and a funny one at that!

Dont dwell in the past,
It just wasnt meant to last!

Ur a great girl
even though
sometimes life is a bit of a twirl!

I wanna see u like u were
- like u used to be,
with tht sparkle and shine in ur eye
and to see u spread ur wings n fly.

You know, you beat me with all your affection, love and care:-)))) for all of us.

Love always,
A crazy 'Me'


Preeti Sharma said...

Hi Iris,

That's a sweet poem that someone wrote for you. What's been happening in your life that has inspired such a poem?

Keep smiling (Doctor's orders!)

Deliciously Alive said...

Sweet! Must feel nice to have friends so caring and nice!

Iris said...

Preeti: Thanks for driopping by:-) I love the tales on your blog. They are so So hilarious, some of 'em. And yep, follwoing your advice, I am smiling:-)

M!: It is indeed wonderful to have friends who care so much! I feel blessed:-)