Friday, June 17, 2005

Who am I???

Am I anything at all???
Do I even exist???
Or am I a figment of someone’s imagination!!!
Yeah, I got a body.... a tangible proof!!
So, I do....

Damn, what’s my purpose???
Hey, do I have a purpose...
Do YOU have a purpose???
Do you have any idea why you are here???
And hey, what are you doing about it????

And me
Am lost!!!
Am I thinking aloud???
Is this thinking at all....

Am a kid.... this mature woman with a head held high....
Hahaha!!! Woman of substance....
Or am I.... oh, this so cynical woman....
Who’s doubting every passer by....
And are they all conspiring against me???

Am a princess...
In a guarded Palace…
Hiding from every eye that gapes at me…
But hell!!! My palace is a façade
And the self erected walls…

Am a free soul,
I dare to choose,
But the consequential actions,
Numb me,
And I am a recluse.

Am the master
Of my destiny,
Yet I fail,
As I bow down each time,
Damn!!! I am a slave of my own mind!!!

20th Feb 2005


Deliciously Alive said...

Hello Shellyji:-))))))))))))

So glad you dropped by:-)))))Hope you enjoyed the visit!;-))))

If you love the rains, you must visit the blog again.I have a...errrr.....a different viewpoint about them this time!lol!

Love your poem "Who am I" quite a few of these questions i ask myself too:-))

I am going to be a frequent visitor now;-))))

Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

Dear Shell,

I like your poem "Who am I" and "From my Cage"..

You make me think of Pink Floyd.. "Comfertably Numb" his lines..Prisoner of my own device..
and "Lunatic" in my head..

Listen to Floyd and you would find your reflection there..But at the end of the day you have to come out of this black hole called "Endless Self Criticism" and follow the strong energy thats emanates from the very core of your would show you the path..follow it..

Pranav said...

Self flagellation is more like it:-)

great poem but:) I liked the tamannaon ki titlian more...from a happy point of view. Otherwise 'From my cage' was awesome.
Encore, Shellyji, encore!!

Jyotsna said...

Yes,we sure are slaves of our own seems so simple when we put it that way.."we are the thinkers in our own minds" but we give away the power to everyone else !
How have you been Shelley?

Anonymous said...

you r "nothing" and "nothing" is ur purpose

you are empty and tht empty is so full tht it embraces everything.

yet u r "nothing"

you exist and stil u dont.

you r wht u identify with.

once u identify u r not free.

watch the life passing by and u r free.

Anonymous said...

seek nirvana and it will elude u

give up the idea of seeking nirvana and u will find urself "free"....

Braveheart said...

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Anonymous said...

to be or not tobe that's a question

Heard the song of a poet who died in the alley
it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall

i read who am i more from my cage,good
i am not indian but i like your country and music(ravi shankar)
by the way what does "shakespeareand"mean?
NY people say take it easy and take those busy

Unknown said...

beautiful words of a much tortured soul..
let it soar free
do not hold it and you will see it will reach its destination
do write ... and keep in touch

Rakesh said...

hi shelly
nice poem
who am i is a big question most people ask
in most of the people ask.. in most part of life
anyway it is something people have to find out
i guess life is discovering oneself..

Anonymous said...

iris said-The most beautiful creation is within YOU!!!...

but tht beautiful creation within me is beyond the realms of subjectivity and objectivity.

unless i look beyond me i cannot find me ....

Dev said...


Sometime and somewhere in our lives we try to find edges in the circle of life.....I strongly believe we do find them! Somehow, with our senses..nirvana may not be entirely abstract!

"Am a kid....
Am a princess...
Am a free soul,
Am the master Of my destiny,
Yet I fail!"

Perhaps we are figments of our own imagination only! Let the mind waves spread and imagination take wings..for the better..!

Manish Bhatt said...

This namesake poem is much better than mine. Enjoyed it!