Friday, November 02, 2007


There have been no new experiences, no indulgence in interesting activities, nothing to talk about really. I have learnt nothing new. I did read a book and a statement in it captured all my attention.
‘Will is Force’

Force reminds me of Newton, always!

According to his first law of motion:
Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Hell, I need a will to change. And I don’t get it!


Ishieta said...

go bunjee jumping - or something equaly drastic - that may give u a fresh perspective!

Shantanu said...

Finally a post after a loooooong time!

Anonymous said...

i second dreaming-again...
go ahead and do something crazy :)


Deliciously Alive said...

At least we get a new post!;)))
Why don't you try changing the look of your blog? Your detailed and helpul suggestions made me design the look of mine just how I wanted it and I feel so bluddy happy just looking at it!:))
Thanks again!:)

vrindaban banquet said...

Hi! I am a new blogger asking for your help. Please see my blog at
and please comment on how it is and what I should do to make it better. Since you
are an experienced blogger I ask you this help .

Meghna said...

Hi Iris,
Your blog is really good. it reflects India so much and even in the heading!
keep writing and keep dreaming too!

Nautilus said...

Let me know when you find the cure...I'm on the same page sister!! :D

Sachin Garg said...

From Isaac Newton to Iris Newton..
god save the world.