Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Wish you smiles all through 2008:-)

2007 is gone. It was exactly as my forecast on Cainer described it:

Comet McNaught may this year, live right up to its name and bring you plenty of nothing. Much, at the end of the year, may remain as it was at the beginning - in the physical sense. In between the two times, though, you look set to be taken on one heck of a journey during which major attitudes alter for evermore.

I am glad I lived through 2007. Yes, my status quo is the same. Nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing! It was not one of those drastic years where everything goes topsy-turvy and you are lost amidst too much. It was also not one of those years where things hit you with a bang and you are open to some crazy realizations that challenge your beliefs. It was not about surviving a life altering experience but settling in to a somewhat altered domain that was thrust on to you from somewhere, somehow. It was about realizing the spaces, wondering about their vastness, filling them up in a mad rush, and then abhorring it all. It was about moving away, only to socialize with the self. It was about re-examining the filled-up spaces, realizing the sin of indulging in excess and depriving others in need. It was about a sudden mad desire to wipe off everything so that it could be filled up with beauty. It was all about filling up the bottle and then emptying it!

I feel nice about starting a new year. I have a few resolutions. I am working on them:-)
I wish everyone a grand 2008. If you are looking for any kind of change, I feel you can achieve it!



Deliciously Alive said...

Lovely post:)Wishing you a super 2008!:)

Meghna said...

Hi iris,
Nice post and really well written! Happy New Year! May Lord shower ur abode with happiness this new Year! :D

lemontree said...

a big hiiiii!

and love the post. resonates completely.

Ishieta said...

Happy New Year dear...

and now that the slate is clean... are you going to be back in our world?

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Deliciously Alive said...